понедельник, 12 ноября 2012 г.

9.Compare two cultures

I am not very aware of American culture, not especially of culture, but of way people behave. Just a common knowledge about Americans. I suppose it's due to lack of experience in communicating with them  - I know about three of four of them. I have been always into americans' manner to smile every time and  tell everything in a calm friendly atmosphere. Because it's one of the most different thing between  people from Russia and from America. However, on the one hand, smiling person provokes your smile, while abrasive manner could hardly gain your approval and even attention. But on the other hand, when a person tells you unpleasant things, personally  i hate smiling in such causes, because for me, it's strange a bit
Other aspect of mentality is a king of a rumor that Americans much stupider that Russians. But I  bet there is not base under this statement. As for me, Americans are different as well as Russians and as in each nation there exist people with different cultural background and knowledge. Personally I am acquentanted only with well-educated Americans and I truly believe that everything is in one's hands. 
It quite hard to compare such culture which you are not very aware of ith yours. But there were such aspects which for me are remarkable from that cultures

1 комментарий:

  1. Thank you for not saying that all Americans are stupid! There are indeed many intelligent Americans, just as there are Russians. I can see why some people say that Americans are less intelligent, however. I do think that Russians tend to read more and are more knowledgeable about art, literature, history, and culture. Of course, many Americans are very knowledgeable about these things, but I think that Americans probably value cultural literacy less than Russians. However, I think that the American educational system promotes creativity, ingenuity, and critical thinking skills in a way that some Russian schools may not. In both countries, there are also enough exceptions to any generalization I might make to make these comparisons somewhat pointless.
