понедельник, 22 октября 2012 г.

7. English 201

This course is a kind of new experience for me. Now, I will tell what I really think about course and my progress.
 First of all, I noticed that this course is very useful for me. Now I am better in structure of the essay, much better than in school. It's extremely important not in English, but also in essays in Russian. For instance, in our economics essay. Before the course, I supposed I was quite ok in writing, as I have rather high grades and my FCE writing  was ok. Indeed, everything appeared not so glowing. Now, according to my grades I understand that I fall behind a bit. The main reason of it I bet that I spend not enough time on my assignments and frequently I don't understand what I have to do.
What did I enjoy? One of the most memorable was writing with music(Pink Floyd). I do dare say that I like our English, despite of the fact that it's the first class on Tuesday, which stats in 9 a.m. I can't help fall asleep due to lack of sleep.
My goals for the second part of semester are to  make my essays better than now, to gain some new experience and the last but not least to improve situation with my grades as much as possible.
All in all, I like this course. 

1 комментарий:

  1. Everyone keeps writing about listening to Pink Floyd while they journaled! I'll have to find ways to include music in class again.
