понедельник, 15 октября 2012 г.

6. Free choice

Valery's birthday
I found nothing more interesting than to write about my she-friends. Yeah, it's banal, but i dedicate my blog to them, because they nevertheless important for  me.
In my life I actually have a lot acquaintances but only few friends. I bet it's ok when you can really trust only a few amount of people. But that quite strange that everyone i will mention above is one of my closiest friends for about 2-3 life, someone even less. But I feel that it's not so essential for me. Most important, that I really appreciate our relationships


Last school year
With Adelya next to our home
I am talking about Valery, Adelya and Agata. They always suppost me despite of the fact that we are different, sometimes contradictory. But main point in my relatoins with my friends is a the comfort and and security that I feel when this one of them.
I feel sorry that it's too late now, and I am falling asleep, so I won't talk about each of them. Just know that I do value my friendship with this three people.

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